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8 Tips for Thrifty Shopping

8 Tips for Thrifty Shopping

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Smart shoppers find ways to make their dollar go further. Gone are the days when thrifty shopping was a mere hobby. These days people depend on thrifty shopping to survive. The costs of life’s necessities continue to rise, leaving many people to feel the strain.

The good news is that although thrifty shopping is a necessity, it’s still simple and exciting. Save hundreds of dollars per year by following the eight simple thrifty shopping tactics below.

1. Use Coupons

Look for store and manufacturer coupons to reduce the costs of every shopping trip. Coupons are accessible via company and brand websites, in newspapers, from coupon websites, on products, and through email programs. Spend a few minutes each week searching for coupons for the items on your shopping list and watch as your costs decrease. Combine manufacturer coupons with store coupons to maximize savings.

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2. Know Where to Shop

Hundreds of stores out there sell all or practically the same items. They sell the same brands, sizes, and styles of products. Yet, the price of these items significantly varies from one retailer to the next. Comparing the costs of the items that you need with a few different retailers before buying saves a ton of money. Know where to shop and soon you’ll notice more money leftover in your bank account.

3. Look for Deals

The BOGO deals, percentages off of your purchase, and other promotions draw in customers to a store. Browse sales papers and ads at your favorite stores each week and be among the first to learn about these deals. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying unique barn door hangers, picture frames, or food. Take advantage of the deals (combined with your coupons, of course) and you’ll ensure your home is well-stocked without spending excessive amounts of money.

4. Avoid Impulse Buys

Impulse buys add a huge chunk of money onto the total purchase, the money you didn’t budget or intend to spend. Impulse buys take money away from other important things that you want or need and many people regret the buys once they’re back home with the item. Avoid impulse buys at all costs.

5. Shop With a List

Write a list of the items that you need to buy. Head directly to the appropriate aisles once you arrive in-store. Do not stop to browse or look at other items and avoid buying anything not on your list. People save an average of 35% when they shop with a list. Another alternative is to shop online at your favorite retailers.

Grocery List

6. Sign-Up

Most manufacturers/brands offer a club or email newsletter program. It is available only to people who opt-in to receive emails or text messages. It’s beneficial to opt-in to receive the newsletters since they contain important information, exclusive deals, samples, freebies, and tons of coupons that the general public doesn’t receive.

7. Cash Back Reward Sites

Cash back reward sites are all the rage these days.  People who shop online can sign-up for free and earn cash every time they shop through the site with one of the listed stores. Stores include clothing stores, grocery stores, jewelry stores, electronics stores, and more. The amount of cash you earn varies from one cash back reward site and store to the next, but it’s certainly possible to rack up a nice sum of money if you shop only once or twice a year. People who frequently shop online receive even greater rewards.

8. Don’t Shop When You Are Hungry

It’s not just an old wives’ tale. Shopping when you are hungry leads to impulsive purchases. Visit the grocery store when you are hungry and you could very well walk out the unproud owner of aisle 7! Plan your shopping trips wisely and avoid shopping when you’ve not eaten. You’ll walk out with less junk and far more money in your pocket.

Thrifty shopping is not a chore but instead can be exciting and fun. The fact that you save money when shopping thrifty is an added bonus. No matter who you are, what your annual income is, or the items that you buy the most, shopping smart is the solution to saving more of your hard-earned money.

8 Tips for Thrifty Shopping

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