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eLearning: Debunking of Common Mythsblog

eLearning: Debunking of Common Mythsblog

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Electronic learning takes a more and more significant part of our routine. The development of high-speed Internet connections contributed to the development of virtual classrooms.

E-learning includes different types of learning. These types are remote education for students, specialist qualification improvement, and self-study. E-learning implies various tasks. Students can write papers, watch video lectures, and take quizzes. E-learning adapts all the tools and methods of traditional education. It enhances them via modern technology.

Yet, there are myths and prejudices related to the e-learning format of education. In this article, we will overview the most common misconceptions about electronic learning and debunk them.

Electronic Learning Does Not Fit All Types of Students

There is an idea that e-learning cannot provide enough education for different types of students. Various people indeed have different styles of learning. Certain groups of students need a special approach.

It is easy to adapt a real-life learning program for such peculiarities. Yet, the e-learning format is pretty flexible too. A teacher may adapt the material for different types of students. Educators can design an electronic course according to the group who will attend it.

The flexibility and modularity of e-learning allow shaping the program. Teachers may provide materials, depending on different needs, levels of preparation, and types of students’ personalities.

It Is Hard to Manage an Electronic Class

Education management is a difficult task for any learning format. Real-life classes require complex preparation, as do electronic ones. At the same time, electronic classes have access to learning management systems (LMS).

LMS is software designed specially to keep learning materials in order. LMS helps to organize studying sessions and check homework completion. The most popular LMS are:

  • Mindflash
  • Skyprep
  • ProProfs LMS
  • iSpiring Learn
  • TalentLMS

Therefore, the issue of e-learning management is solved with the most appealing LMS for a teacher and their students.

There Is a Lack of Communication Between Teachers and Students

In-class communication is vital for the successful learning process. It is the teacher’s role to advise students and assess their success. There is a myth that e-learning makes such communication inconsistent.

E-learning is equal to traditional in-class communication between teachers and students. Teachers may answer the questions that students ask via chat. Another alternative for communication is video conferences. A teacher may even dedicate a separate lesson wholly to students’ questions.

Besides, students may ask their questions via email and receive answers when teachers can provide them. Moreover, students will have more freedom in communication with each other due to the informal environment.

It Is Easy to Cheat During E-learning

Cheating on exams is a widely spread issue for the educational community. There is a misconception related to e-learning and cheating. Since a teacher cannot monitor students’ activity personally, they have more chances to cheat.

However, the right formatting of tests makes cheating impossible. Describing steps to the solution, elaborated answers, and essays make e-learning exams more fair and adequate assessment of a students’ knowledge.

There could be an issue with off-the-shelf solutions. In this case, students can find tests easy for cheating and use the possibility to do so. Online classes require customization and attention in planning to be efficient.

E-Learning Is Expensive

Price tags for online courses and schools may seem daunting. People, who believe that e-learning is expensive, expect to pay the sum in one сheck. In reality, the price for online learning goes for the whole course.

In comparison to real education, such a price tag is usually 10-15% cheaper. Online classes do not have to pay rent and similar сosts.

Besides, online courses offer discounts, installment payments, and credits. Additionally, there are free courses available. Electronic learning is affordable for any group of students and any income.


E-Learning Has an Uncomfortable Pace

Misconception about e-learning comes from distinct communication and studying sessions. People think that online classes cover materials too quickly, and students will not process the information correctly before the exams.

However, the key factor that keeps pace comfortable is the availability of materials. Students have constant access to all the lectures, studying materials, and teachers’ comments. Online lectures themselves may be quicker than real-life lessons.

At the same time, students may refresh materials at any time and deepen their knowledge of the subject at their own pace.

E-Learning Will Make Teachers Obsolete

Teachers becoming obsolete is another myth related to e-learning. Since all the studying materials are free to access, why would people listen to teachers? Naturally, it is a huge misconception.

E-learning is just another option for instructors to provide educational material. Corrections, assessment, support – all these elements of education are impossible without a good teacher.

E-learning is an alternative format of education but not a replacement for the traditional format. E-learning is good for self-education and deepening the existing knowledge of a subject.

E-Learning Is Too Interactive/Boring

There is a myth that averts many people from e-learning. They believe that online classes may be over complicated. A huge amount of interactive elements may confuse and disturb, making it harder to learn the material.

On the other side of the spectrum is the idea that online classes are dull. Simple repetition of available materials may make learning even more cumbersome.

The truth is that online classes are customizable from students’ and teachers’ sides. There are many options for students on how to learn the subject of their choice. Besides, they can provide feedback to their instructors on how to make lessons more efficient.

Teachers have complete access to the LMS tools. Instructors can adapt the learning materials to their group’s needs and requests.

Final Words

E-learning is a relatively new phenomenon in modern society. People used to go to classes and listen to their instructors in groups. A change of this paradigm causes confusion and myths related to the new format of education.

In practice, e-learning is another format of education that slightly differs from the traditional one. It is affordable, customizable, and comfortable for teachers and students. The best way to be sure of it is to try e-learning personally.

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