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BTC and ETH are the two most popular and commonly used coins. Binance is one of the leading exchanges. It features enormous trade volume and a fast speed of work. In addition, the platform has launched its own token – BNB. If you desire to get the most from an exchange, you have to work with this coin.
It’s worth highlighting that BNB was based on the Ethereum network, but now it has its blockchain. As a result, it possesses a wide scope of applications – from affordable payment for transactions on the Binance platform to bookings and versatile financial services.
Binance supports no fiat currencies. Therefore, if you want to conduct some financial transactions on this platform, you have to deal with any acceptable cryptocurrency. The use of BNB coins allows you to reduce fees and get the most profit. If you are an active ETH blockchain user but have to deal with transactions on Binance, it’s necessary to swap ETH to BNB.
Converting ETH to BNB: Step by Step Instruction for Pros and Newbies
The first step you should take is to select the most appropriate exchange service. Nowadays there are lots of available options you may explore. No wonder, it’s not an easy task to make the right choice.
The easiest way to trade ETH to BNB is to use Binance exchange. Yet, there are several drawbacks of this platform you should consider. First, it has a rather complicated interface. If you are a beginner, you are to face serious difficulties. It may take some time to cope with the rules of the service. The next aspect you should consider is pricing policy. The fees are really low, but only if you are a regular user of the service and are interested in BNB transactions. Otherwise, you are to pay more.
Luckily, there are copious alternatives. On this website for conversion, you are to find an instant crypto exchange that can meet the needs of both pros and newbies. LetsExchange is an instant converter that requires no obligatory registration or verification. To trade ETH to BNB, you have to fill in a simple online form on the platform’s site.
First, you should define the crypto (ETH) you need to convert and its amount. Then, you have to pick up a crypto you desire to get – BNB. Now you see how many coins you are to receive. Then, you have to enter the digital wallet address and confirm the transaction. It’s up to you to decide what rate should be applied – fixed or floating. The service selects the most profitable exchange rate, and you receive your funds.
The instant cryptocurrency converter LetsExchange has several significant peculiarities you should know about. They are the following:
- Intuitive interface.
- A wide assortment of cryptocurrencies. Alongside ETH and BNB, more than 200 currencies you may swap through the service.
- Excellent customer support.
To sum it up, it should be highlighted that the right choice of exchange makes the process of swapping ETH to BNB as smooth and profitable as possible. The procedure takes only a few minutes.